Lemos Feed and Pet Supply – Santa Barbara

Lemos Feed and Pet Supply - Santa Barbara 330 E. Gutierrez St, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

To book an appointment at this location, please call the store directly at 805-882-2336

Lemos Feed and Pet Supply – Carpinteria

Lemos Feed and Pet Supply - Santa Barbara 330 E. Gutierrez St, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

To book an appointment at this location, please call the store directly at 805-566-9700 This clinic will be held at LEMOS FEED AND PET SUPPLY in SANTA BARBARA

Lemos Feed and Pet Supply – Goleta

Lemos Feed and Pet Supply - Santa Barbara 330 E. Gutierrez St, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

To book an appointment at this location, please call the store directly at 805-692-8566 This clinic will be held at the LEMOS FEED AND PET SUPPLY in SANTA BARBARA.

Lemos Feed and Pet Supply – Santa Maria

Lemos Feed and Pet Supply - Santa Maria 1507 S. Broadway, Santa Maria, CA, United States

To book an appointment at this location, please call the store directly at 805-925-6606

Lemos Feed and Pet Supply – Los Osos

Lemos Feed and Pet Supply - Los Osos 2085 10th St, Los Osos, CA, United States

To book an appointment at this location, please call the store directly at 805-528-8910